Luglio/Agosto 2022
July/August 2022

Numero dedicato a Acciai inossidabili / Stainless Steels
Memorie Scientifiche / Scientific papers
Enhancement of ductility of work hardened strips in AISI 301 austenitic stainless steel
D. Montepagano, I. Citi, R. Guerra, P.E. Di Nunzio, F. Ruffini
The effect of hot rolling and coiling temperature on microstructure and texture of ferritic stainless steel
A. Kisko, A. Kaijalainen, L. Kurtti, S. Kodukula, T. Ylimäinen
Thermodynamic property of hydrogen in molten stainless steel
J.Y. Kim, H.R. Lee, I.H. Kwon, Y. Kang
Selective laser melting manufacturing of stainless steels: heat treatment effect on microstructure and hardness in maraging steels
G. Stornelli, D. Gaggia, M. Gaggiotti, M. Rallini, A. Di Schino
Laser OES - How an efficient melt shop monitoring tool tackles increasing energy and raw material costs
A. Schlemminger
Attualità industriale / Industry news
Technologies paving the way to carbon neutral stainless steel production
J. von Schéele, H. Alshawarghi, D. Razzari