Aprile 2024

Numero dedicato a Trattamenti Termici / Heat Treatments
Memorie scientifiche / Scientific papers
A comparative study on Aluminum-Silicon coatings fabricated by ElectroSpark Deposition
G. Renna, P. Leo
Nanocomposite Cr2N-Ag thin films for tribological applications at elevated temperatures
P. Jurci
3D-printed 316 L stainless steel: optimization of low temperature plasma assisted carburizing
A. Palombi, R. Montanari, A. Varone, C. Verona, E. Bolli, S. Kaciulis, A. Mezzi, A. Lanzutti, F. Sordetti, E. Vaglio
Characterization of AlCrN films deposited onto Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V substrates
E. Cerri, E. Ghio, G. Bolelli, A. Bertè, P. Colombi
Impact of treatment time on single annealing thermal cycle performed on Ti-6Al-4V Titanium alloy specimens obtained using LPBF technology
E. Ferrari, S. Gaiani, M. Gozzi, M. Lassinantti Gualtieri, F. Mantovani, G. Ponzoni, P. Veronesi
Comparison of As Cast and T6 heat treatment on high end-of-life-scrap secondary aluminium alloy for High-Pressure Die Casting automotive structural components
Bongiovanni, A. Castellero, M. Da Silva