Luglio/Agosto 2023
July/August 2023

Numero dedicato a Trattamenti termici / Heat Treatment
Memorie scientifiche / Scientific papers
Heat treatmentof a Beta-Ti21S alloy produced by additive manufacturing
L. Emanuelli, V. Tonon, M. Pellizzari, G. Valsecchi, C. Lora
Effect of ausforming temperature and strain on the bainitic transformation
M. Franceschi, L. Pezzato, M. Dabalà
Effect of microalloying on tempering of Mo-W high thermal conductivity steel
J. Burja, A. Nagode, J. Medved, T. Balaško, K. Grabnar
Definition of an optimal solutioning treatment for a Ni-based superalloy processed by Additive Manufacturing
P.A. Martelli, M.S. Kenevisi, E. Bassini, D. Ugues
Attualità Industriale / Industry news
Oxide scale modelling on low carbon steels: kinetics characterization and failure prediction during hot-deformation processes
edited by: M. Moreno, P. Lasnes