maggio 2014

- Heat treatment response and influence of overaging on mechanical properties of C355 cast aluminum alloy
L. Ceschini, Al. Morri, An. Morri, F. Rotundo, S. Toschi, F. Rotundo - Product and maintenance efficiency by applying a new concept for pinch-roll change. Focus on the rolling and processing industries
K. Frauenhuber, F. Moser - Experimental trials and theoretical background about foaming, slag refractory interaction and feasibility of crude magnesium carbonate injection as foaming agent and its use for EAF refractory protection
C. Mapelli, D. Mombelli, S. Barella, P. Trezzi, G. Ferrari, C. Cagni - Recupero dei metalli dalle polveri di aspirazione dei forni: processo Waelz
R. Busè, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli - Procedure operative per la produzione di inerte artificiale in luogo di scoria nera
A. Barocci, G. Luzzari, M. Facchin - Nanoindentation and microstructure of friction stir processed die cast Mg-Al-Zn alloy
E. Cerri, M. Cabibbo, P. Leo