luglio agosto 2012

- Studio del trattamento termico su componenti in Fe-Ni-C ottenuti da MIM
C. Menapace, A. Molinari, M. Perina - Thixoforming A201 aluminium alloy - is there a future in aerospace applications?
P. Kapranos - Chemical pretreatment of continuous galvanized steel sheet in the automotive industry
P. Kuhm - Saldatura in configurazione testa a testa di lamiere in lega 2198 T3 mediante procedimento friction stir welding
A. Astarita, A. Squillace, E. Armentani, S. Ciliberto - Microstructure and bending properties of die-casting alloys at various chromium contents
E. Zanini, S. Barison, L. Capra, G. Timelli, F. Voltazza - Cavitation analysis in aluminum alloys hot deformed by tensile test and creep in the as-cast and heat treated state
P. Leo, E. Cerri, M. El Mehtedi