Aprile 2009

- Impiego di protossido d'azoto nel trattamento termochimico di nitrurazione gassosa: studio dei processi produttivi e caratterizzazione metallurgica
P. Camanzi, M. Merlin, G.L. Garagnani - Effect of the heat treatment on the mechanical properties of a precipitation hardening steelfor large plastic moulds
D. Firrao, P. Matteis, G.M.M. Mortarino, P. Russo Spena, M.G. Ienco, G. Pellati, M.R. Pinasco, B. Rivolta, R. Gerosa, G. Silva, E. Tata, R. Montanari - Infuence of heat treatment on the microstructure and toughness of Böhler M333 ISOPLAST steel
J. Perko, C. Redl, H. Leitner - How heat treatment can give better properties to electroless nickel-boron coatings
V. Vitry, F. Delaunois, C. Dumortier - New electron beam liquid-phase surface technologies for components made from aluminium materials
A. Buchwalder, R. Zenker