Paper proposal submission
All paper proposals must be submitted online by 28 February 2025.
To submit an abstract, please proceed as follows:
1) Write your abstract (max. 300 words).
2) Submit your abstract online >> HERE
3) Papers must be submitted in English.
4) All papers must focus on best practices.
All abstracts will be refereed by the scientific international experts. In the case of too many submissions, abstracts of equal quality will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
The conference language is English.
Important dates
28 February 2025: Abstract submission deadline.
March/April 2025: Scientific international experts will evaluate submitted abstracts.
9 May 2025: Paper proposers will be informed about decision of the Scientific International experts. Delivery of authors guidelines.
30 June 2025: Speakers registration and full paper submission deadline.
15 September 2025: PowerPoint/PDF presentation slides deadline
Preliminary timetable
Monday 6 October 2025: Early Congress registration
Tuesday 7 October 2025: Opening/plenary session | Technical sessions
Wednesday 8 October 2025: Technical sessions
Thursday 9 October 2025: Technical sessions | Closing session